Welcome to Inkworld Pictures

Look everywere, I have Pics here that I find all over the internet, and several that I made myself. All the pictures here are of Cornelia's life, books, movies... you can find it all here. Make yourself at home If you have a picture that I do not have here that you think I should, or you have some fan art you want me to put up, then E-mail it to me at heart_spell_death@yahoo.com If I get enough fan art, there may be a page just for that, you never know.

Movie Shots


This is one of the black jackets, but he is not exactly the way I picktured them. Personly I think the Black lines are way to much, but who knows, in the movie they may work out to be pretty cool.

What do you think?


Here is dustfinger, I have a few more of him farther down. Can you find his scars? I ask cornelia's sister insa where they were and she said, on the cheek and forehead. but I have looked long and hard for them and can't find a thing. If you see anything that I don't, then let me know.


This one kinda gives me the creeps, but then I see gwin look so cute in the background. oh, that is Meggie, personly I really think she makes a good meggie, but that is just me. what do you think of her?

I have a bet that book in her hand in Inkheart, I saw the cover, and it looked white like that, but I can't get the picture to you all, because it was protected. I wish I could get it to you all though.


Here is one of Elinor. She looks like a fortune teller in this one, but, what to do. I have anlother picture of her not so weird looking, I'll put it up on this entry somwere.

I wonder why she looks like this though...

any ideas?